DCESS five year report




1.   Introduction
2.   Research advances
    2.1   Climate System Stability
    2.2   Role of the Ocean in the Climate System
    2.3  Chemical and Biological Evolution of the Atmosphere and Ocean
3.  National and International Cooperation
4.  Research Dissemination
5.  Research Training

6. Epilogue

1.1 International reviewed journals
     1.2 Books, proceedings, reports and popular articles 

 DCESS Associates

1.   Introduction

The DanishCenter for Earth System Science (DCESS) began in December 1997 at the Niels Bohr Institute for Astronomy, Physics and Geophysics, University of Copenhagen, and at the Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Southern Denmark (Odense) with basic funding from the Danish National Research Foundation (Danmarks Grundforskningsfond). We explored in the modern world, and into the distant geological past, relationships among the atmosphere, ocean, and life, in shaping the environment and climate on Earth. Our main research areas were 1) Climate System Stability, 2) Role of the Ocean in the Climate System, 3) Chemical and Biological Evolution of the Atmosphere and Ocean.

 During our five year term we made major advances in all these areas. These ad­vances are documented in publications in some of the best international scientific journals (see publication list). For example, since the beginning of 2000, 8 of our papers (5 with DCESS first authors) were published in Nature or Science and 12 of our papers (8 with DCESS first authors) were published in Geophysical Research Letters or Geology. In all, we had 21, 26 and 29 international publi­ca­tions in the years 2000, 2001 and 2002.

 In the short time after its inception DCESS gained an international reputation in Earth Sys­tem Science (ESS). Thus, in a lead editorial in Science (June 15, 2001), DCESS is men­tioned among only five other (and older) institutes as one of a "...mere handful of U.S. and European institutions (that) offer graduate programs and the kind of interdiscipli­nary working environments that are essential for the rapid de­velopment of ESS". The au­thor, Pro­fessor John Lawton from Imperial College and chief executive of the Natural En­viron­ment Research Council of the United Kingdom, concluded, "…It is hard to imagine a more impor­tant disci­pline than Earth System Science. We urgently need to overhaul our thinking and rejig our institutions to allow this crucial new sci­ence to flourish.”


 2.   Research advances

 DCESS was organized from the start into our main research areas to provide focus, but also to put in place pillars of research strength upon which to base new, often cross-disciplinary, ini­tiatives. As noted in a December 2001 report of the Evaluation Committee of DCESS, we “fulfilled the goals outlined in the original re­search plan for the period 1997-2002” and our research “has progressed on a wide variety of sub-themes…with no signifi­cant deviation from the plan”. The Committee noted the quality and importance of our research (“first-rate group of researchers”, “cutting edge of earth science”, “pioneering work”, “measurements are unique” in “an important, unexplored area”) and was impressed with “exceptionally tal­ented and energetic stu­dents and post-doctoral fellows” and with “the center as a research training environment”.


 2.1   Climate System Stability

 We identified and corroborated a dynamical stabilizing mechanism for free perturbations in the cli­mate sys­tem based on atmospheric angular momentum (AM) transport and its link to surface winds and evaporation. Latent heat from evaporation is carried from the sur­face and released above the main water vapour layers from where it can be effectively radiated to space. Without this convective bypassing of the main greenhouse absorbers, sea surface tem­perature would be unstable at its present equilibrium because of the water va­pour/infrared radiative (WVIR) feedback, whereby downwelling infrared radiation at the sur­face from the atmospheric water vapour increases faster with tempera­ture than the up­welling Stefan-Boltzmann radia­tion from the surface.

 The operation of the above stabilizing mechanism was demonstrated using a simple hemi­spheric, atmosphere-ocean model with the surface energy budget processes parameterized using observations (Bates, 1999). An analytical solution for free perturbations of small am­plitude about the model's equilibrium climate revealed the AM/evaporative stabilizing mechanism, showing it to be strong enough to counteract the destabilizing influence of the WVIR feedback. Both the Clausius-Clapeyron and ventilation components of the evaporative perturbations contributed to the stabilizing effect. In an extension of the surface energy budget model to include a simple ocean thermohaline circulation, this circulation was found to be more stable than indicated by models of the Budyko-Sellers kind with a top-of-the-atmosphere approach to the energy parameterizations. Simulations with another simple ocean-atmosphere model showed that the thermohaline circulation and climate de­pend strongly on ocean vertical and horizontal exchange (including the effects of the wind-driven circula­tion), providing negative feedbacks to stabilize climate (Shaffer and Olsen, 2001).

 We performed atmospheric general circulation model (GCM) experiments to test the validity of the AM/evaporative stabilizing mechanism (Alexeev and Bates, 1999). A uniform 2ºC perturbation to the equilibrium sea surface temperature was applied on an aquaplanet. Evapo­ration in­creased as a result of the perturbation, due both to the Clausius-Clapeyron factor and the ventilation factor associated with increased AM transport. As in the simple model, the evaporative stabilizer was strong enough to counteract the destabilizing WVIR feedback. We also carried out a global data study using 40 years of the NCEP/NCAR Re­analysis to test the validity of the parameterizations underlying the dynamical stabilizing mechanism and found the parameterizations to be valid on time scales of a year or longer. We constructed a single column model of the tropical atmosphere in which the humidity pro­file was allowed to vary internally and the surface wind was allowed to vary in accordance with our AM relationship (Caballero, 2001). Here also it was found that the Clausius-Clapeyron and ventilation factors in evaporation were sufficient to keep the model stable in the face of the WVIR feedback.

 We also studied the sensitivity of the climate system to a CO2 doubling using the simple en­ergy balance approach with AM-induced winds described above (Bates, 2003). Although the ventilation factor in evaporation is stabilizing for free perturbations, it was found to act as a positive feedback (increasing the warming) for forced perturbations if these are suffi­ciently weighted towards the extratropics. For realistic magnitude and distribution of the sur­face forcing, the simple model gives a warming for a CO2 doubling comparable to that given by GCMs. In these circumstances, the ventilation feedback more than doubles the hemispheric average warming. The positive feedback effect of the ventilation term in the sensitivity con­text (for a CO2 doubling) has been corroborated by GCM experiments (Alexeev, 2003).


2.2   Role of the Ocean in the Climate System

 The oceans influence the environment and climate on Earth by storing and transporting heat and fresh water, and by modulating the composition of greenhouse gases like CO2 in the at­mosphere. We carried out modeling and observational studies to address the role of the ocean in this context. Many of these results mesh with those cited above and below from our other two research areas.

 We developed an ocean-atmosphere-sea ice model, based on a 2-D ocean GCM and a new parame­terization of atmospheric transports (Bendtsen, 2002), to study climate sensi­tivity to external forcing changes, due to, for example, bolide im­pacts or vol­can­ism (Bendtsen and Bjerrum, 2002). Model response to such events depends on ini­tial green­house gas con­centra­tions and solar radiation levels, making the Earth more vul­nerable to abrupt changes 700 million years ago (“Snowball Earth”) than 65 million years ago (K-T event). In other paleo­climate modeling work, we made simple, coupled model simulations (including ocean oxy­gen isotopes) of millennial-scale variability, simulations that compare favorably with ice core and ocean sediment data. Also we used the large, coupled Climate System Model, developed at the Na­tional Center of Atmospheric Research, Boulder, USA, to explore ocean-atmosphere cou­pling in the tropical Pacific, including El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycles, during warm Eocene time, 35 to 55 million years ago (Huber and Cabal­lero, 2003). To­gether with available paleo­re­cords, results of this study indicated that strong ENSO cycles were a prominent feature dur­ing this “hothouse” period and, by inference, strong ENSO cy­cles may be expected in a future “greenhouse” world. 

Global ocean experiments with the Modular Ocean Model, developed at PrincetonUniver­sity, fo­cused on for­mation proc­esses for Antarctic Intermediate Water, a major component of the global thermohaline circulation (Søren­sen, Ribbe and Shaffer, 2001). In the most realistic model runs, this water mass was formed mainly by subduction via along-isopycnal mixing near the Sub-Antarctic Front. An­other application based on the Modular Ocean Model was a study of the circula­tion of LakeVostok, a large Antarctic subglacial lake (Williams, 2001). Alongshore flow in the eastern boundary current off Chile, as observed in our joint field studies (see be­low), was reproduced well us­ing the Princeton Ocean Model, forced with ob­served winds and heat fluxes (Leth and Shaffer, 2001). The model also simulated meanders and eddies, associated with baroclinic instabilities. These mesoscale features may help maintain high bio­logical production seaward of the coastal up­welling zone off Chile.


To address ocean biogeochemical cycling and its influence on atmospheric CO2 levels, we also used a suite of simple to complex models, ranging from the simple High Lati­tude ex­change/Diffusion-Advection (HILDA) model (Shaffer, Bendtsen and Ulloa, 1999), over in­termediate complexity models (Brovkin et. al., 2002) to 3-D ocean GCM’s. In the HILDA work we found a significant, 20 ppm lowering of at­mospheric CO2 levels due to fractiona­tion during remineralization of organic matter in the ocean, as determined from our analysis of global ocean data. In the GCM work, a new mi­crobial loop for dis­solved organic carbon (DOC) cycling in the wa­ter col­umn, based on joint field studies (see below) and labo­ratory experiments, was imple­mented to model global ocean distributions of DOC. Results com­pared favorably with ob­served DOC gradi­ents through the deep ocean, supporting the valid­ity of the proposed loop.

 Our field studies and data analyses were focused mainly on the eastern South Pacific Ocean and the northern North Atlantic Ocean, both formation sites for major water masses in­volved in the global thermohaline circulation. We demonstrated remarkable control - on syn­optic to interannual (El Niño) time scales - of currents, sea sur­face tem­perature and, likely, biological production off the west coast of South America by oceanic and atmos­pheric tele­connections from the equa­torial Pacific (Hormazabal et. al., 2001; Horma­zabal, Shaffer and Pizarro, 2002).  Based on re­peat hy­drographic observations made in 1967 and 1995, we detected warming and cir­culation change in the eastern South Pacific Ocean, in­cluding en­hanced, poleward, mid-depth flow in the eastern bound­ary cur­rent off Chile (Shaffer et al., 2000). This work docu­mented ongoing changes in wind-driven and thermoha­line circula­tions. Data-based es­timates of subduction of water masses into the Southern Hemisphere subtropical gyres showed the South Pacific to be by far the most impor­tant region for such water mass forma­tion and subduction  (Karstensen and Quadfasel, 2002).  Periods of 3-5 years were found to dominate coupled sea ice, atmosphere and ocean vari­ability in the southern­most South Pa­cific and South Atlantic, suggesting links be­tween El Niño, the Antarctic Cir­cum­polar Wave and deep water formation around Antarctica (Vene­gas and Drinkwater, 2000; Venegas, Drinkwater and Shaffer, 2001).

 Work in the northern North Atlantic focused on the Greenland Sea (see also section 1.3), in­cluding long-term changes in water mass forma­tion and transformation. Convection ceased dramati­cally during the past decades, being largely confined to the up­per one kilo­meter. This weakening of the water mass formation was associated with an overall warming of the water column and a substantial freshening of the upper lay­ers. De­tailed surveys have also shown that the convection is lo­cally limited to synoptic scale eddies, which may become nu­clei for future deep water re­newal (Lherminier et al., 1999). The sinking of dense winter water in such eddies was observed through repeated hydrographic profiles from freely drift­ing, pro­filing floats, deployed as part of the international ARGO program.The exchange of deep waters across the ridge system between Greenland and Shetland has diminished by about 20% over the past seven years, caused by the reduction of deep water formation in the north.


2.3  Chemical and Biological Evolution of the Atmosphere and Ocean

 Chemical traces of microbial activity are preserved in the fossil record. These indicate the pres­ence, or even dominance, of particular metabolisms, and provide clues to the chem­istry of the Earth surface environment. Our focus has been mostly on sulfur, as sulfur-metabo­liz­ing organisms fractionate sulfur isotopes to an extent depending on environ­mental vari­ables such as seawater sulfate and atmospheric oxygen levels. Also, the isotopic composition of sedi­mentary sulfides provides a record of ancient mi­cro­bial activity over geologic time.

 We have undertaken extensive studies on the ability of sulfur-metabolizing organisms to frac­tionate under conditions that may have existed in the geologic past. Thus, we have documented high fractionations associated with sulfate reduction at temperatures up to 88oC for natural populations of sulfate reducers collected with the deep sea submersible Alvin from an active hydrothermal vent field (Canfield et al., 2000), and for natural popula­tions of hyperthermophilic sulfate reducers. We have also studied frac­tionation of natural popula­tions of sulfate re­ducers at modern sur­face tempera­tures (Habicht and Canfield, 2001; Can­field, 2001) and fractiona­tions asso­ciated with the disproportiona­tion of So under sedimen­tary con­ditions (Böttcher and Thamdrup, 2001).  Furthermore, we have explored the ability of a wide variety different sulfate reducers to fractionate at low sulfate concentrations, in the range we believe appropriate for ancient Precambrian oceans. From these studies we con­clude that the ocean before 2.5 billion years ago contained over 100 times less sulfate than the present ocean (Habicht et al., 2002). This would have led to considerable sediment methanogenesis allowing for a strong source of greenhouse gas to the early Earth at­mos­phere. From these stud­ies, and some of those described below, we can begin to trace the his­tory of Earth surface oxidation and to understand some of the processes con­trol­ling this history.

 We have examined the isotopic composition of sulfur species in sediments collected from the 3.5 billion yr. old North Pole barite deposits of Western Australia. Our results reveal the ear­liest indication of sulfate reduction in the geologic record and provide evidence for ad­vanced cellular evolution within the first billion years of Earth history (Shen et al., 2001). Our geo­chemical analysis of 1.6 billion yr old marine sediments from the MacAr­thur Basin, northern Australia, indicate an anoxic ocean and provide persuasive evi­dence for sea­water sulfate concentrations 10 times lower than the present 28 mM (Shen et al., 2002).

 We used a simple ocean-atmosphere model to demonstrate the plausibility of an ex­tended period of sulfidic ocean bottom water conditions from around 1.8 to 0.8 billion years ago (Canfield, 1998). A sulfidic ocean is consistent with atmospheric oxygen levels < 25% of present-day, and some recent evidence from our group supports this model (Shen et al., 2002). This model is gaining general acceptance and has spurred further studies exploring how the sulfidic ocean might have influenced the pace of eukaryote evolution (Anbar and Knoll, Science, v. 297, 1137-1142). We have used the composition of Archean and early Proterozoic (< 2.0 billion years ago) banded iron formations to constrain an­cient ocean phos­phate concentra­tions to around 10 percent of present-day (Bjerrum and Canfield, 2002).  Low phos­phate concentrations would have meant low rates of primary production, providing an explanation for the gener­ally low concentrations of atmos­pheric oxygen at this time.

 Other highlights include the first demonstration in nature of anaerobic ammonia oxidation with ni­trate which produces N2 gas and is therefore a sink for fixed nitrogen in the environ­ment (Thamdrup and Dalsgaard, 2003). This process could have global significance as we have found that it occurs actively in the anoxic water column of a marine basin with chemi­cal characteristics very similar to the oxygen minimum zones of the world's oceans (Dalsgaard et al., 2003).  Indeed, the anammox process could be responsible for 20 to 30 percent of the total loss of nitrogen from the global ocean.


3.  National and International Cooperation

 Within Denmark we had close cooperation with the Geological Institute and the Marine Bio­logi­cal Labs at the University of Copenhagen, the Departments of Marine and Microbial Ecology, AarhusUniversity, and the Danish Environmental Research Institute in Risø and Silkeborg. For example, we participated in three expeditions to the Greenland Sea during 1998/1999 as part of a Danish Global Change Program project on carbon cycling in the northern North Atlantic. Joint analysis of this data led to the new view of ocean dis­solved organic carbon cycling mentioned above.

 Internationally, we highlight our special relationship and close cooperation with the Pro­gram for Physical Oceanography and Climate, University of Concepcion, Chile. To­gether we sus­tained a large observation program in the eastern South Pacific Ocean, includ­ing the only direct ocean current observations there, and carried out modeling studies. The DCESS-PROFC alliance took the lead internationally in studying the cir­culation and biogeo­chemical cycling in this immense, remote and largely unknown region. Our joint interna­tional publi­cations, 10 over our five-year term, attest to this. In addition to numer­ous other good inter­national collaborators (see our yearly reports at www.dcess.dk/PublicFrm.htm), we were formally associated with NASA-funded Astrobi­ology In­stitutes at Harvard and at the NASAAmesRe­searchCenter. Furthermore, DCESS was a mem­ber of Biogeochemical Re­search Initiative for Education hosted by PennStateUniver­sity, pro­viding funds and ini­tiative for student ex­change research projects.


4.  Research Dissemination

 We communicated our research results primarily through publication in international jour­nals (see publication list) and through talks and posters at international conferences (see our yearly reports at www.dcess.dk/PublicFrm.htm). We also hosted three workshops with in­terna­tional attendance. We placed great value on in­forming the public and the press about our ac­tivities. DCESS research was high­lighted in a number of articles in Danish national newspa­pers and professional and popular journals like Berlingske Tidende and Ingeniøren, and we have been interviewed in local and national radio news broadcasts. Our work was recently highlighted (Feb. 11, 2003) in the Science Program Viden Om, broadcast nationally on DR2. Furthermore, inter­na­tional newspapers like the New York Times and the Sydney Morning Herald reported on our results and our work also appeared in articles in Science News and Scientific American. We con­trib­uted to a book on climate from the Danish Mete­orological Institute and pre­sented our work at university open house arrangements, at the Danish Natural Sci­ence Fes­tival, at schools, and in con­tinuing education programs like the Folkeuniversitetet. DCESS associ­ates also served on sev­eral editorial boards of both scien­tific and popular jour­nals and convened a number of sessions at international symposia.


5.  Research Training

 DCESS associates were actively engaged in teaching and research train­ing at beginning un­dergraduate to advanced graduate levels at our host universities, includ­ing courses in biol­ogy, ecology, oceanography and meteorology. One course, "The History of Life", at Odense was designed around DCESS activities. We also contributed to field courses in ecology, as well as oceanographic cruises with masters students to the North At­lantic. From 1998 on­ward we helped teach introductory oceanography courses and from 2001 onward, DCESS associates taught all under­graduate courses in ocean­ogra­phy at Copenhagen (the only ocean­ography curriculum in Denmark). We offered an Earth System Science seminar se­ries with invited speakers of high international standing and DCESS asso­ciates made frequent contri­butions to a "climate group" semi­nar se­ries. We collabo­rated closely with the Ph.D. school of the Copenhagen Global Change Ini­tiative (COGCI) by of­fering the course "The Earth Sys­tem" (part of COGCI's basic Ph.D. cur­riculum) and by holding lectures in other courses. We also contrib­uted to lectures at sum­mer schools in Denmark and abroad. DCESS associ­ates su­per­vised a number of bachelor projects, 17 mas­ters stu­dents and 10 Ph.D. students (6 funded by DCESS and 4 by our host universities). Furthermore, we were advi­sors for several external Ph.D. projects related to our re­search. As shown by the above, DCESS was well inte­grated into the research and teaching activities of our host universities.


6. Epilogue

 In a decision letter of February 2002, the Danish National Research Foundation decided not to grant a new five-year term to DCESS. However, more modest funds were offered over three years to “embed” DCESS activities into our respective host institutes. This was carried out with success in Odense but in Copenhagen agreement could not be reached between the different involved parties and the funding offer was withdrawn. In the meantime, DCESS “alumni” have carried with them our approach to interdisciplinary Earth System Science to other research environments (in Chile, Denmark, France, New Zealand, USA,..). We are con­fident that this will help Earth System Science to flourish around the globe.



 1.1 International reviewed journals

 Arnosti, C., Sagemann, J., Jørgensen, B.B. and Thamdrup, B. (1998) Temperature depend­ence of microbial degradation of organic matter in marine sediments: polysaccharide hy­drolysis, oxygen consumption, and sulfate reduction, Marine Ecology Progress, 165, 59‑70.

 Alexeev, V. and Bates, J.R. (1999) GCM experiments to test a proposed dynamical stabiliz­ing mechanism in the climate system. Tellus, 51A, 630‑651. 

Alexeev, V.A (2003) Sensitivity to CO2 doubling of an atmospheric GCM coupled to an oceanic mixed layer. Climate Dynamics, 20, 775-787.

Bates, J.R. (1999) A dynamical stabilizer in the climate system: a mechanism suggested by a sim­ple model. Tellus, 51A, 349‑372.

 Bendtsen, J. (2002) Climate sensitivity to changes in solar insolation in a simple coupled cli­mate model. Climate Dynamics, 18, 595-609. 

 Bendtsen, J. and Bjerrum, C. (2002) Vulnerability of climate on Earth to sudden changes in insola­tion. Geophysical Research Letters, 15, 10.1029/2002GL014829. 

Bjerrum, C.J., Surlyk, F., Callomon, J.H., and Slingerland, R.L. (2001) Numerical paleocean­ographic study of the early Jurassic Transcontinental Laurasian Seaway. Paleo­ceanography, 16, 390-404. 

Bjerrum, C. and Canfield, D.E. (2002) Ocean productivity before about 1.9 Gyr ago limited by phos­phorus adsorption onto iron oxides. Nature, 417, 159-162.

 Brandt, P., Rubino, A., Quadfasel, D.R., Alpers, W., Sellschopp, J. and Fiekas, H.V. (1999) Evi­dence for the influence of Atlantic‑Ionian stream fluctuation on the tidally induced inter­nal dynam­ics in the Strait of Messina. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 29, 1071‑1080.

 Brandt, P., Stramma L., Schott F.A., Fischer J., Dengler M. and Quadfasel D.R. (2002) Annual Rossby waves in the Arabian Sea from TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter and in situ data. Deep-Sea Research II, 49, 1197-1210.

 Brovkin, V., Hofman, M., Bendtsen, J. and Ganopolski, A. (2002) Ocean biology could con­trol atmos­pheric d13C during glacial-interglacial cycle. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosys­tem, 3, 10.1029/2001GC000270. 

 Böttcher, M.E. and Thamdrup, B. (2001) Anaerobic sulfide oxidation and stable isotope fractiona­tion associated with bacterial sulfur disproportionation in the presence of MnO2.  Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 65, 10, 1573-1581.

 Böttcher, M.E., Thamdrup, B. and Vennemann, T.W. (2001) Oxygen isotope fractionation during anaerobic bacterial disproportionation of elemental sulfur. Geochimica et Cosmo­chimica Act, 65, 1601-1609.

 Caballero, R. and Sutera, A. (2000) Equilibration of a simple baroclinic flow in a ß channel and on the sphere. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 57, 3296‑3314.  

Caballero, R. (2001) Surface wind, subcloud humidity and the stability of the tropical cli­mate. Tellus, 53A, 513-525.

Caballero, R., Castegini, R. and Sutera, A. (2002) Equilibration of a two-level primitive equa­tion model on the sphere. Nuovo Cimento, C 24, 875-884.

Caballero, R., Jewson, S. and Brix, A. (2002) Long memory in surface air temperature: Detec­tion, modeling, and application to weather derivative valuation. Climate Research, 21, 127-140.

 Caballero R. and Lavagnini A. (2002) A numerical study of the sea breeze, slope winds and conver­gence lines around Rome. Nuovo Cimento, C 25, 287-304. 

 Canfield, D.E., Boudreau, B.P., Mucci, A. and Gundersen, J. (1998) The early diagenetic formation of organic sulfur in the sediments of MangroveLake, BermudaGeochimica et Cosmochimica, 62, 767‑781.

 Canfield, D. E., Thamdrup, B. and S. Fleischer (1998) Isotope fractionation and sulfur me­tabolism by pure and enrichment cultures of elemental sulfur disproportionating bacteria. Limnology and Oceanography, 43, 253-264.

Canfield, D.E. (1998) A new model for Proterozoic ocean chemistry, Nature, 396, 450‑453. 

Canfield, D.E. and Raiswell, R. (1999) The evolution of the sulfur sycle. American Journal of Sci­ence, 299, 607‑723.

 Canfield, D.E. (1999) A breath of fresh air. Nature, 400, 503‑504.

 Canfield, D.E., Habicht, K.S. and Thamdrup, B. (2000) The Archean sulfur cycle and the early history of atmospheric oxygen. Science, 288, 658‑661.

 Canfield, D.E. (2001) Isotope fractionation by natural populations of sulfate-reducing bacte­ria. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 65, 1117-1124.

 Canfield, D.E. (2001) Biogeochemistry of sulfur isotopes. In Stable Isotope Geochemistry, Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry,43, 607‑636.

 Claussen, M., Mysak, L.A., Weaver, A.J., Crucifix, M., Fichefet, T., Loutre, M.F., Weber, S.L., Alcamo ,J., Alexeev, V., Berger, A., Calov, R., Ganopolski A., Goosse, H., Lohman, G., Lunkeit, F., Mokhov, I., Petoukhov, V., Stone, P. and Wang, Z. (2002) Earth system mod­els of intermediate complexity: closing the gab in the spectrum of climate system mod­els. Climate Dynamics, 18, 579-586. 

 Dalsgaard, T. and Thamdrup, B. (2002) Factors controlling anaerobic ammonium oxidation with nitrite in marine sediments. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 68, 3802-3808.

 Dalsgaard, T., Canfield, D.E., Petersen, J., Thamdrup, B. and  Acuña-González, J. (2003) N2 pro­duction by the anammox reaction in the anoxic water column of Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica.  Nature, 422, 606-608.

 Dengler, M., Quadfasel, D.R., Schott, F.A. and Fischer, J. (2002) Abyssal circulation in the Somali Basin. Deep-Sea Research II, 49, 1297-1322. 

Dengler, M. and Quadfasel, D.R. (2002) Equatorial Deep Jets and abyssal mixing in the In­dian Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 32, 1165-1180. 

Detmers, J, Brüchert, V., Habicht, K.S. and Kuever, J. (2001) Diversity of sulfur isotope fractiona­tion by sulfate‑reducing prokaryotes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 67, 888-894.

 Eigenheer, A. and Quadfasel, D.R. (2000) Seasonal variability of the Bay of Bengal circula­tion inferred from TOPEX/POSIEDON altimetry. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, 3243‑3252.

 Falkowski, P., Scholes, R.J., Boyle, E., Canadell, J., Canfield, D.E., Elser, J., Gruber, N., Hibbard, K., Högberg, P., Linder, S., Mackenzie, F.T., Moore III, B., Pedersen, T., Rosen­thal, Y., Seitzinger, S., Smetacek, V. and Steffen, W. (ICBP Carbon Working  Group). (2000) The global carbon cycle: A test of our knowledge of Earth as a system. Science, 290, 291‑296.

 Finster, K., Liesack, W. and Thamdrup, B. (1998) Elemental sulfur and thiosulfate dispro­potiona­tion by Desulfocapsa sulfoexigens  sp. nov., a new anaerobic bacterium isolated from marine sur­face sediment, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 64, 119‑125.

 Fones, G.R., Davison, W., Holby, O., Jørgensen, B.B. and Thamdrup, B. (2001) High‑resolution metal gradients measured by In Situ DGT/DET deployment in Black Sea sediments using an autonomous benthic lander. Limnology and Oceanography, 46, 982-988.

 Garric, G., Douville, H. and Déqué, M. (2002) Prospects for improved seasonal predictions of mon­soon precipitations over Sahel. International Journal of Climatology, 22, 331-345.  

 Glud, R.N., Holby, O., Hoffmann, F. and Canfield, D.E. (1998) Benthic mineralisation and ex­change in Artic sediments (Svalbard), Marine Ecology Progress Series, 173, 237‑251.

 Glud, R.N., Risgaard‑Petersen, N., Thamdrup, B., Fossing, H. and Rysgaard S. (2000) Ben­thic car­bon mineralization in a high‑Arctic  sound (Young Sound, NE‑Greenland). Marine Ecology Pro­gress Series, 206, 59‑71.

 Grotefendt, K., Logemann, K., Quadfasel, D. and Ronski, S. (1998) Is the Arctic Ocean warming? Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, 27,679‑ 27,687.

 Habicht, K.S., and Canfield, D.E.  (1997) Sulfur isotope fractionation during bacterial sulfate re­duction in organic rich sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,  61, 5351-5361.      

 Habicht, K.S., Canfield, D.E., and Rethmeier, J. (1998) Sulfur isotope fractionation during bacterial reduction and disproportionation of thiosulfate and sulfite, Geochimica et Cosmo­chimica, 62, 2585‑2595.

 Habicht, K.S. and Canfield D.E. (2001) Isotope fractionation by sulfate‑reducing natural populations and the isotopic composition of sulfide in marine sediments. Geology, 29, 555-558.

 Habicht, K.S., Gade, M., Thamdrup, B., Berg, P. and Canfield, D.E. (2002) A calibration of sulfate levels in the Archean Ocean. Science, 298, 2372-2374.

 Hansen, J.W., Thamdrup, B. and Jørgensen, B.B. (2000) Anoxic incubation of sediment in gas‑tight plastic bags: a method for biogeochemical process studies. Marine Ecology Pro­gress Se­ries, 208, 73‑280.

 Hesselbo, S.P., Gröcke, D.R., Jenkyns, H.C., Bjerrum, C.J., Ferrimond, P., Bell, H.S.M. and Green, O.R. (2000) Massive dissociation of gas hydrate during a Jurassic oceanic anoxic event. Nature, 404, 392‑395.

 Hormazabal, S., Shaffer, G., Letelier, J. and  Ulloa, O. (2001)  Local and remote forcing of sea surface temperature in the coastal upwelling system off Chile.  Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, 16,657-16,672.

 Hormazabal, S., Shaffer G. and Pizarro O. (2002) Tropical Pacific control of intraseasonal oscilla­tion off Chile by way of oceanic and atmospheric pathways. Geophysical Research Letters, 29, 10.1029/2001GL013481. 

 Huber, M. and Caballero. R. (2003) Eocene El Niño: evidence for robust tropical dynam­ics in the “hothouse”. Science, 299, 877-881.

 Høyer, J.L.and Quadfasel, D. (2001) Detection of deep overflows with satellite altimetry. Geo­physical Research Letters, 28, 1611-1614.

 Høyer, J.L., Quadfasel D. and Andersen O.B. (2002) Deep ocean currents detected with satellite altimetry. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 28, 556-566. 

Jørgensen, B. B., Weber, A., and Zopfi, J.  (2001) Sulfate reduction and anaerobic methane oxida­tion in Black Sea sediments. DeepSea Research I, 48, 2097-2120.

Karstensen, J. and Quadfasel, D.R. (2002) On the formation of Southern Hemisphere thermo­cline waters: Water mass conversion and subduction. Journal of Physical Oceanogra­phy, 32, 3020-3038. 

Karstensen, J. and Quadfasel ,D.R. (2002) Water subducted into the Indian Ocean Subtropi­cal gyre. Deep-Sea Research II, 49, 1441-1457. 

 Konhauser, K.O., Hamade T., Raiswell R., Morris R.C., Ferris F.G., Southam G. and Can­field D.E. (2002) Could bacteria have formed the Precambrian iron formations? Geology, 30, 1079-1082.

 Kostka, J.E., Thamdrup, B., Glud, N.R., and Canfield, D.E. (1999) Rates and pathways of carbon oxidation in permently cold Artic sediments. Marine Ecology Progress Series,180, 7-21.    

 Krom, M.D., Mortimer R.J.M., Poulton S.W., Hayes P., Davies I.M., Davison W. and Zhang H. (2002) In-situ determination of dissolved iron production in recent marine sediments Aquatic Sciences, 64, 282-291. 

Körtzinger, A., Mintrop, L., Wallace, D.W.R., Johnson, K.M., Neill, C., Tilbrook, B, Towler, P., Inoue, H., Ishii, M., Shaffer, G., Torres, R.F., Ohtaki, E., Yamashita, E., Poisson, A., Brunet, C., Schauer, B., Goyet, C. and Eischeid, G. (2000) The International at‑sea Inter­comparison of fCO2 systems during the R/V Meteor cruise 36/1 in the North Atlantic. Ocean. Marine Chemistry, 72, 171‑192.

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 Lherminier, P., Gascard, J.C. and Quadfasel, D.R. (1999) The Greenland Sea in winter 1993 and 1994: preconditioning for deep convection. Deep‑Sea Research II, 46, 1199‑1235.

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 Mysak, L.A. and Venegas, S.A. (1998) Decadal climate oscillations in the Arctic: A new feedback loop for atmosphere‑ice‑ocean interactions, Geophysical Research Letters, 25, 3607‑3610.

 Onstad, G.D., Canfield, D.E., Quay, P.D. and Hedges, J.I. (2000) Sources of particulate or­ganic matter in rivers from the continental USA: Lignin phenol and stable carbon isotope compositions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 64, 3539‑3546.

 Pizarro, O. and Shaffer, G. (1998) Wind‑driven, coastal‑trapped waves off the island of Gotland, Baltic Sea, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 28, 2117‑2129.

 Pizarro, O., Shaffer, G., Dewitte, B. and Ramos, M. (2002) Dynamics of seasonal and interan­nual variability of the Peru-Chile Undercurrent. Geophysical Research Letters, 29, 10.1029/2002GL014790. 

Poulton, S.W. and Raiswell, R. (2002) The low-temperature geochemical cycle of iron: From conti­nental fluxes to marine sediment deposition. American Journal of Science, 302, 774-805.

 Poulton, S.W., Krom, M.D., Van Rijn, J. and Raiswell, R. (2002) The use of hydrous iron (III) ox­ides for the removal of hydrogen sulphide in aqueous systems. Water Research, 36, 825-834

 Quadfasel, D. (2001) Ocean Currents: Red Sea. Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, Academic Press.

 Raiswell, R. and Canfield, D.E. (1998) Sources of iron for pyrite formation in marine sedi­ments, American Journal of Science, 298, 219‑245.

 Renwie, L., Chen, J., Zhang, S., Lei, J., Shen, Y. and Chu, X. (1999) Spatial and temporal varia­tions in carbon and sulfur isotopic compositions of Sinian sedimentary rocks in the Yangtze plat­form, South China. Precambrian Research, 97, 59‑75.

 Reppin, J., Schott, F.A., Fischer, J. and Quadfasel, D.R., (1999) Equatorial currents and transports in the upper central Indian  Ocean: Annual cycle and interannual variability. Jour­nal of Geophysical Research, 104, 15,495‑15,514.

 Riishøjgaard, L.P., Cohn, S.E., Li, Y. and Ménard, R. (1998) The use of spline interpolation in semi‑Lagrangian, transport models. Monthly Weather Review, 126, 2008‑2016.

 Roselló‑Mora, R., Thamdrup, B., Schäfer, H., Weller, R. and Amann, R. (1999) Marine sediment microbial community  response to organic carbon ammendation under anaerobic conditions. Sys­tematic and Applied Microbiology, 22, 237‑248.

 Rudels, B., Friedrich, H.J. and Quadfasel, D. (1999) The Arctic Circumpolar Boundary Current. Deep‑Sea Research II, 46, 1023‑1062.

 Rudels, B., Meyer, R., Farhbach, E., Ivanov, I.I., Østershus, S., Quadfasel, D., Schauer, U., Tverberg, V. and Woodgate, R.A. (2000) Water mass distribution in FramStrait and over the Yermak Plateau in Summer 1997. Annales Geophysicae, 18, 687‑705. 

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 Rysgaard, S., Thamdrup, B., Risgaard‑Petersen, N., Fossing, H., Berg, P., Christensen, P.B. and Dalsgaard, T. (1998) Seasonal carbon and nutrient mineralization in a high‑Arctic coastal marine sediment, Young Sound, Northeast Greenland. Marine Ecology Progress Se­ries, 175, 261‑276.

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 Shaffer, G., Hormazabal, S., Pizarro, O. and Salinas, S. (1999) Seasonal and intrannual vari­ability of currents and temperature off central Chile. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104, 29,951‑29,961.

 Shaffer, G., Leth, O., Ulloa, O., Bendtsen, J., Daneri, G., Dellarossa, V., Hormazábal, S. and  Sehlstedt, P.‑I. (2000) Warming and circulation change in the eastern South Pacific Ocean. Geo­physical Research Letters, 27,1247‑1250.

 Shaffer, G. and Olsen, S.M. (2001) Sensitivity of the thermohaline circulation and climate to ocean exchanges in a simple coupled model. Climate Dynamics, 17, 433-444.

 Shen, Y., Zhao, R., Chu, X. and Lei, J. (1998) The carbon and sulfur isotope signatures in the Precambrian‑Cambrian transition series of the Yangtze Platform, Precambrian Research, 89, 77‑86.

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 Shen Y., Canfield D.E. and Knoll A.H. (2002) Middle Proterozoic ocean chemistry: Evi­dence from the McArthurBasin, northern Australia. American Journal of Science, 302, 81-109.

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 Sonnerup, R.E., Quay, P.D., McNichol, A.P., Bullister, J.L., Westby, T.A. and Anderson, H.L. (1999) Reconstructing the oceanic 13C Suess effect. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 13, 857‑872.

 Sonnerup, R.E., Quay, P.D. (2000) The Indian Ocean 13C Suess effect. Global Biogeo­chemical Cycles, 14, 903‑916.

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 Sørensen, J. V. T., Ribbe, J. and  Shaffer, G. (2001) On Antarctic Intermediate Water mass forma­tion in Ocean General Circulation Models. Journal of Physical Oceanography,31, 3295-3311.

 Sørensen, K. B., Finster, K. and Ramsing, N. B. (2001) Thermodynamic and kinetic re­quirements in anaerobic methane oxidizing consortia exclude hydrogen, acetate, and metha­nol as possible elec­tron shuttles. Microbial Ecology,42, 1‑10. 

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 Thamdrup, B., Hansen, J.W. and Jørgensen, B.B. (1998) Temperature dependence of aero­bic respi­ration in a coastal sediment, FEMS Microbiology Ecol., 25, 189‑200.

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1.2 Books, proceedings, reports and popular articles

 Bates, J.R. and Alexeev, V. (2000) A dynamical stabilizer in the climate system: An obser­va­tional study of the underlying parameterizations.  DCESS Report No 1.

 Bates, J.R. and Alexeev, V. (2001) A dynamical stabilizer in the climate system: a mecha­nism suggested by a simple model and supported by GCM experiments and an observational data study. In: P.F.Hodnett (Ed.), Advances in Mathematical Modelling of Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics, Kluwer, 2001, p.93-95.

 Bates, J.R. (2003) On climate stability, climate sensitivity and the dynamics of the enhanced greenhouse effect. DCESS Report No. 3

 Bendtsen, J. (1998) Havets cirkulation og betydning for klimaet, Kvant, 9, 13‑16.

 Buch, E., Nielsen, T.G., Lundsgaard, C. and Bendtsen, J. (2001) Deep water convection and biogeo­chemical cycling of carbon in the Northern North Atlantic. In: Climate Change Re­search, Gads Forlag, 53-76. 

Canfield, D.E., Habicht, K.S. and Thamdrup, B. (2000) Response to: The Archean atmos­phere and sedimentary sulfides. Science, 289, 1297-1298.       

Canfield, D. E. (2001) The Earth Cubed. A book review about the fully electronic journal Geo­chemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G3). Nature, 413, 675. 

Finster, K. and Thamdrup, B. (2000) Bakterier og svovl. Aktuel Naturvidenskab, 3, 20‑22.

 Green, W.J., Canfield, D.E. and Nixon, P. (1998) Cobalt cycling and fate in LakeVanda. In: J. Priscu (ed.), Ecosystem dynamics in a Polar desert: The McMurdoDryValleys, Antartica, AGU, pp. 205-215.

 Huber, M. (2001) Climate Change? A glance in the rear view mirror. Geotimes, 12, News­magazine of the Earth Sciences, American Geological Institute.

 Huber, M. (2002) Straw Man 1: A preliminary view of the tropical Pacific from a global coupled climate model simulation of early Paleogene climate. In: Lyle M., Wilson P.A., Janacek T.R., et al., Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Initial Reports, 199, IR-O3.

 Jakobsen, P.K., Nielsen, M.H., Quadfasel, D. and Schmith, T. (2002) Variability of the sur­face circulation of the NordicSeas during the 1990s. ICES Marine Science Symposia

 Karstensen, J. and Quadfasel, D. (2001) Variability of water mass transformation and for­mation in the southern hemisphere. CLIVAR newsletter

 Knoll, A.H. and Canfield, D.E. (1998) Isotopic inferences on early ecosystems. In: Manger, W.L. and Meeks, L.K. (eds.), Isotope Paleobiology and Paleoecology, 4, 212‑243.

 Lindberg, K and Langen, P. (2002) Klimastabilitet og den termohaline cirkulation, Gamma, 125, 29-39.

 Meincke, J., Quadfasel, D., Berger, W.H., Brander, K., Dickson, R.R., Haugan, P.M., Latif, M., Marotzke, J., Marshall, J., Minster, J.F., Pätzold, J., Parilla, G., de Ruijter, W. and Schott, F. Vari­ability of the Thermohaline Circulation (THC) (2002). In: Wefer G. (ed.) Hanse Workshop of Ma­rine Science Frontiers of Europe. European Science Foundation.

Pedersen, J.O.P. and Kjaer C.R. (1999) Ambitiøs Klimaforskning. Aktuel Naturvidenskab, 1, 8‑10.

 Pedersen, J.O.P. (1999) Vores blå planet, Kronik i Politiken, 17 September 1999.

 Pedersen, J.O.P. (2000) Og der kom ilt...‑udviklingen af livsbetingelserne på Jorden. Aktuel Naturvidenskab, 2, 20‑23.

 Pedersen, J.O.P. (2000) Klima forvirring. Aktuel Naturvidenskab, 6, 26.

 Pedersen, J.O.P. (2001) Kulstofkredsløbet, Klimaet og Kyoto. Kvant, 4, 10-12.

 Pedersen, J.O.P. (2001) Klimaet og Kyoto. Aktuel Naturvidenskab, 6, 15-17.

 Pedersen, J.O.P  and Bacher, C. (2001) Mekanismerne i Jordens klima. Kvant, 3, 9-13.

 Pedersen, J.O.P. (2002) Room for error: a Danish view. Europhysics News, 33, 141-142.

 Thamdrup, B. and Canfield, D.E. (2000) Benthic respiration in aquatic sediments. In: Sala, O.E., Jackson, R.B., Mooney, H.A., and Howarth, R. (eds). Methods in Ecosystem Science, 86-103.

 Thomsen, U. (1999) Glad for forurening, iltsvind hjælper til forståelse af jordens udvikling. Ny Viden, Syddansk Universitet 12  (8. oktober), 17.

 Venegas, S. (2000) Statistical methods for signal detection in climate. DCESS Report No 2.

 Wieland A., Zopfi J., Benthien M. and Kühl M. (2002) Biogeochemistry of microbial mats in the Camargue (France). In: P. Caumette (ed.), Proceedings of the 2'nd MATBIOPOL meeting, 21-50.


DCESS Associates

 Scientific Staff




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01.12.97 - 31.05.98

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Jens Olaf Pepke Pedersen

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01.01.98 - 30.11.02             


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01.07.02 - 30.11.02


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Bo Thamdrup

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01.01.98 - 30.11.02              


Uffe Thomsen

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01.01.98 - 31.12.00              


Silvia Venegas

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Assist. Professor

01.09.98 - 31.08.01

01.09.01 - 30.11.02           


Mike Williams

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01.04.00 - 31.03.01

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15.09.98 - 14.12.98


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01.02.98 - 30.11.02              


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01.01.98 - 31.12.98


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01.01.98 - 31.10.98


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01.11.98 - 30.11.02              


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01.01.98 - 31.10.99



UC:  University of Copenhagen/Department of Geophysics

SDU/OU:  University of Southern Denmark/Odense University, Institute of Biology

NRC/US:  National Research Council, USA

SNF:  Danish Natural Science Research Council

EU:  European Union

UCH:  University of Chicago